402 Chestnut St. 49738
Grayling, MI 49738

Metcalfe Forestry C.O.

Mobile # 989-619-7086
Office # 989-348-3596
Fax # 989-348-3599
Sale Bid 1 Bid 2 Bid 3 Bid 4 Bid 5 Bid 6
1 38,150.00 36,323.00 39,180.00 41,719.50 45,572.00 61,000.00
2 52,752.00 20,176.00 18,100.00

3 53,469.00 30,588.00 25,878.00 25,100.00

4 37,740.00 27,572.00 18,975.00

5 14,188.50 13,540.00 13,200.00

6 6,765.000 6,205.00

7 97,369.50 82,500.00 70,350.00 49,500.00 39,772.00
8 551,037.00 431,117.00 429,688.00 412,656.00 395,000.00
9 44,525 31,365.00 25,675.00 24,500.00

10 50,280.00

These sales were set up to the specifications of our clients and sold as requested by our clients.